BCC Drophere

October, 2017

A web application that can help you to upload a file (just drag and drop it) to the given link. You can create a link for upload, and the uploader will upload the file that corresponding with the created link purpose. Then the file uploaded is forwaded to dropbox (coming soon google drive) connected with the link creator's account.

Application URL: http://bccdrophere-filkom.ub.ac.id

There are two actors in this app, the features are:
  • Link Creator
    • Create a link for upload
    • Connect account to dropbox (currently available) as the cloud storage for the file being uploaded
    • Custom the link and give additional description, password (if required), and even deadline
  • Uploader
    • Upload file to the given link
    • Just drag and drop it
This application is created to alternate dropittome that discontinued right now. So Basic Computing Community that have a Research and Development Department create this app for handling file upload for praticum at Brawijaya University. The practicum assistant as the link creator, and the practitioners as the uploader. And then this app is used to the other purpose matching with requirements of file upload platform.

BCC Drophere development is held in 2 weeks on September 2017. Then launching on October 2017. The main developers are:
  • Robi Hamanto as UI Designer and Project Manager
  • Agastya Darma Laksana as Backend Developer
  • Yahya Sahaja as Frontend Developer
This app was created with ReactJS (and Redux) client side rendering using preprocessor like SASS/SCSS/PostCSS so we can develop great web application easily. Backend development using NodeJS and Express. We use GraphQL to handle the query language and docker as container.


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